As I was wandering around in the book section of a second hand shop, my eyes were suddenly caught by a white covered book entitled Gratitude. The author Carl Rivest D. C wrote this book after meeting J. F DeMartini (his web site clearly illustrates how this man inspired him). No ISBN, unknown author and the dedication in French to a Sophie baffled me.
Some say that we choose a book but I discovered that it is rather the book who chooses you, don't you think?
I can't release all of his writing because it would take much room and ages for me to type it all but a sample of the chapters' titles may give you an idea of what this is all about.
To Love...Communicate...
To Communicate...Listen...
To Listen... Be Silent...
To Be Silent... Be Grateful...
To Be Grateful...Love what You Do...
To Love what You Do...Do what You Love...
To Do what You Love...Be Yourself...
To Be Yourself is Courage...
Courage and Fears are Dancers...
To Dance with Life we Require Humbleness...
Humbleness is acquired when we are in state of Balance...
Balance is felt when Good and Evil disappear...
When Good and Evil disappear...Magic appears...
Magic is Life at his Highest Expression.
To Love is to Communicate.
True Communication is Communion.
Communion in silence with your soul generates light.
Understanding is orderly synthesis put in workable action.
Understanding is light acting upon matter.
Light is focused balanced thoughts.
Effortless creation is pure communication.
Love is effortless, is certainty, is gracefulness.
I am deeply grateful for Mr. Rivest to have written this book.
Does't it inspire you?
Do you still Go with the Flow?
Have a beautiful Week! Excellente semaine!